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Riverbottom Butterflies

Extra Large Painted Lady Kit (classroom/large group kit)

Extra Large Painted Lady Kit (classroom/large group kit)

Regular price $42.95 USD
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Extra Caterpillars Cups

Our extra large kit comes with everything you need to take care of your 10 Painted Lady caterpillars from reception to release! This includes food for caterpillars, instructions, and a huge enclosure to keep your Chrysalis in as they emerge. 

These 10 caterpillars come in 2 cups of 5, and additional cups can be ordered for only $11 extra (see order options dropdown above). We guarantee 4/5 caterpillars to reach healthy adulthood!

It takes about 8 days on average for the caterpillars to reach the chrysalis stage, and another 8-10 days for them to emerge as butterflies. You can plan on the whole process taking 2.5 - 3 weeks from start to finish. If timing is a concern, you may place your order and pick it up later this Spring (just let us know in the comment box as you check out)!

This is our biggest indoor enclosure we've ever offered, measuring 17" which allows for easy observation of the amazing process, perfect for classroom and homeschool settings. This enclosure is collapsible and can be reused with our other species of butterflies! Cabbage White, Red Admiral, Clouded Sulfur, and  Monarch (Availability of Monarchs varies, usually available in June) Enclosure colors come in white with a clear vinyl window, and black. 

Order will be fulfilled/shipped starting Thursday March 31st. Contact us or mention details in order notes with a special request. This kit is available from April - Oct, weather permitting.

US shipping available.

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